Whether we crossed paths on the conference circuit or online — I am so excited to finally be extending this invitation to all of you who have took interest in my first-person experimental project in digital organizing.

I’ve been working hard to compile a website worthy of launch for the past few weeks and to set up a public-facing view of just some of things i’ve been up to.

It’s not perfect but that is the point.

Let’s get right to it:

To get us all on the same page, I’m getting things started with a presentation I gave at NetRoots 2024. Same slides, different vibe. Please come and engage — more details below:

Chatrooms, Gaming, and New (Non-Cringe) ways to Organize Online

Here’s the blurb:

The internet is changing and our progressive movements aren’t keeping up with the new terrain of the digital realm in an authentic way. In all honesty, we’re all looking a bit cringe online. 

Organizers who use the internet have long lamented the mediocrity of the parts of their work that look like marketing — maybe you’re one of these folks — rehashing mobilization tactics while novel attempts at online organizing either fall into the realm of corny or look weak when compared to the effectiveness of right-wing peer-to-peer based tactics.  

Come learn how fandoms on subreddits, Fortnite matches for striking workers, and neighborhood yard sale groups on Facebook are all part of shaping the new digital organizing terrain.

Thats all for now

Join us tomorrow 9/10 to learn and participate in the conversation. This is a open invitation so invite your friends as well. See you soon!


or to participate.